Vaccines are not only for children. Depending on the lifestyle we have, we might be exposed to certain diseases. Also, as the time goes by we might lose protection from the vaccines we received as children.  

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 60 percent of flu-related hospitalizations occur in people older than 65 years old. This shows  that as the time passes our immune system loses its effectiveness because it weakens over time.

Studies show that vaccines are good at protecting us from preventable diseases.  Here are five vaccines adults 65 and older should consider: 

  • Influenza (Flu vaccine)
  • Pneumonia vaccine
  • Shingles vaccine
  • Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine
  • COVID-19 vaccine 

Talk with your doctor or other healthcare provider to find out if these vaccines are recommended for you at your next medical appointment. 

For more information about the vaccines we need related to our age, visit: