In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly marked a historic moment in the journey of human rights by adopting the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. This monumental document laid the foundation for the protection of fundamental human rights across the globe. As we commemorate its 75th anniversary, we turn our focus towards fulfilling its promises for older persons, acknowledging their invaluable contributions to society.

The theme for the 33rd United Nations International Day of Older Persons in 2023 is “Fulfilling the Promises of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for Older Persons: Across Generations.” This theme highlights the significance of upholding the rights of older individuals and fostering intergenerational solidarity. As an insurance company dedicated to the well-being of seniors, we deeply resonate with this mission.

The objectives of UNIDOP 2023 are threefold:


  1. Increase Global Awareness: We aim to raise global awareness about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and encourage commitments from all stakeholders to protect the human rights of older persons worldwide.


  1. Share Intergenerational Models: We will explore and learn from successful intergenerational models that promote and protect human rights for older individuals globally.


  1. Advocate for Change: We will call upon governments and UN entities to review their practices, integrate a life-course approach to human rights, and ensure active participation from all stakeholders, including older persons themselves.


The backdrop of this celebration includes significant milestones such as the designation of October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons in 1990 and the adoption of the United Nations Principles for Older Persons in 1991. These initiatives highlight the world’s commitment to addressing the opportunities and challenges of population aging.

 Today, the global population of older people is growing rapidly, expected to reach 17% by 2050. It is crucial to promote health, prevent illness, and create supportive environments that enable older individuals to maintain their independence and well-being.

 Let’s join hands to fulfill the promises of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for older persons across generations. Together, we can create a world where the rights and dignity of seniors are protected and upheld.

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