At the recommendation of one of my mastermind team members, I started reading “Money Master the Game” by Tony Robbins and I had an epiphany. Throughout our life, we have been burnt so many times by people looking to get a piece of our money pie, that it is hard to know who to trust! We have learned as a society to be self-reliant and self-sufficient and it has trained us to not ask for help. At an early age, we learned to wash our own cars, fill our own tanks (many countries still have clerks that fill up your tank for you), file our own taxes, try to figure out our own investments within our 401(k)s and the list goes on. This self-sufficient attitude is admirable but does not always give us the best results. 

 One of the greatest attributes of a leader, whether you are a leader in your home, church, community, or still at work, is DELEGATION. 

You know the old adage “A jack of all trades is a master of none”. So, I have been learning to delegate the things I am not so good at, to people that thrive at them and can do them a lot faster, more efficiently and better than I do. But, of course, you have to make sure you have fully vetted that individual to make sure they have your best interest at heart! Once we do, we can focus on mastering the skills that we excel at mine, I believe, is breaking down complicated processes into easier to understand steps and connecting people. I LOVE connecting with people and connecting people with each other. 

This is why I am so passionate about our educational seminars. When I am able to help someone connect the dots by providing them with simple steps to understand a  complicated process, it empowers them to feel more comfortable about their decisions. 

We present solutions based on what is keeping them up at night about selecting the right insurance. For

some is the cost of medications, for others is having good dental coverage, some want to make sure their diabetic supplies are covered and this is what we pursue to master every day!. This is where I invest my time and energy because I know how important it is to be able to trust that someone else has our best interest at heart. 

So, I often get asked, “well, how do you get compensated for your services?”

I only get compensated, once we (at West Compass Insurance) submit the application for your Medicare Insurance to the carrier. That means that if we haven’t fulfilled our promise of providing extraordinary customer service, and you decide to go with a different agent or sign up on your own, we don’t get compensated for our work. 

Now, why am I sharing this with you? Because I want to remind you that we work for you! If you have any questions, we are here to help. As we get closer to the annual election period, we are working hard to expand our team to ensure that we are your primary point of contact. But most importantly, because we are relentless about our promise to provide Extraordinary Customer Service! We are in a time and place where after a 2 year pandemic, economic turmoil and businesses trying to stay afloat, we take whatever crumbs of customer service we can get. Not here, not with us!

So if you value the service we provide, I encourage you to let us know. And if there is anything we can do to help improve our services, we want to know that too.