Family photo circa early 80’s – Can you spot me?

I hope you are all enjoying the month of June, even amidst the gloomy weather we’re experiencing here in California. Despite the lack of sun, June has a special place in my heart. First, it’s the birthday month of my youngest daughter (I’m now officially a mom to two teenagers – send help and coffee!). But it’s also a month where we pause to honor the fathers, step-fathers, godfathers, and all the father figures who play such pivotal roles in our lives.

If you’ve been with us for a while, you’ll know that I often share stories about my own father and grandfather. Their wisdom and love have significantly shaped my life. I lost my beloved grandfather to several strokes at a young age, but his memory lives on in my heart. This personal experience is one of the many reasons why Men’s Health Awareness Month, also marked in June, resonates with me deeply.


In honor of this month, I want to take a moment to remind everyone – especially the men in our lives – of the importance of regular health screenings and examinations. Your body is your lifetime home. Listen to it. If you feel something isn’t right, persist until you find answers. You know your body better than anyone else.


Another key aspect of our health lies in nutrition. It never ceases to amaze me how profoundly our food choices can influence our well-being. After your annual check-ups and blood tests, I highly recommend asking your physician about visiting a nutritionist. There’s so much to learn about the healing power of food.


Did you know that a startling 97% of Americans are either diabetic or pre-diabetic, as per a recent conversation I had with a doctor friend? And the most shocking part is that, barring Type 1 diabetes, we have the power to change these statistics through better nutrition.


Navigating nutrition information online can be overwhelming, so here’s a simple rule of thumb: If Mother Nature made it, it’s probably good for you. If it’s been heavily processed, try to keep it to a minimum. And remember, balance is crucial – the 80/20 rule suggests that if we eat healthily 80% of the time, we can indulge a little for the remaining 20%.


Remember, I’m not a doctor or dietitian, so please consult with your healthcare provider before making significant changes to your diet. But as your health insurance broker and trusted advisor, I am here to encourage you to prioritize your health.

To all the dads and father figures out there, Happy Father’s Day. And to everyone, here’s to a healthier and happier life. You are seen, heard, and understood here at West Compass Insurance. Your wellbeing matters to us, today and every day.


Take care,
