Summer is here! 

As many of you may know, this is my favorite season.

The beach is my zen zone, it brings me peace and joy. I love the longer days, evening strolls with my husband and our beloved dog Daisy at a perfect 70 degrees, dining on the patio, and summer vacations.

This year it has a different feeling. With both our teenage daughters playing club volleyball, travel has revolved 


around qualifier tournaments leading to the end of the season in June. They are starting all sorts of camps (agility, skills, reps, high performance, and pre-tryouts) in preparation for high school and club tryouts the last weekend in July. 


This year we don’t have time for a summer family trip to explore a different country together, learn about the culture, the food, the people, and spend precious time with family. YUP, I LOVE to travel!

But I am not complaining. I cherish the few high school years left, supporting their love for sports (whether it was Soccer for 10 years or these last 2 years of volleyball), watching them learn team-building skills, forming healthy habits, and enjoying their teenage years. 


We will make the best out of a summer full of activities, weekends at our beautiful California beaches, and heartfelt gratitude for our health and the ability to wake up every day to serve and help others. 


How would you be spending your summer? Share with us what your summer plans are and if you are inclined to do so, send us some pictures! We LOVE hearing from you.

Cindy Santos-Mendoza

West Compass Insurance

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