Hindsight is 20/20

July is Health Vision Month so I was preparing to write a piece about the importance of regular check ups and how to access your Vision Benefits. However, the saying “hindsight is 20/20” kept coming to my head so I decided instead to write about retirement.

My clients come from a variety of backgrounds and socioeconomic conditions which often influences their outlook. Somehave prepared greatly for retirement, some are still working, while others  are living on a very tight budget. But most  want the same thing: to enjoy retirement with peace of mind knowing that their health is covered. 

Some have retired early, some do not want to retire, worried about how they would fill their days.

Personally, I believe the goal in life is not retirement and it isn’t the destination either. I believe we all have a purpose and on our journey we learn skills we need so that in retirement we are fully prepared to share the wisdom with those around us. 

My journey of self discovery has revolved around helping others. I believe it is my purpose. Nothing brings me greater joy. Whether it is a family member, a friend in need, a colleague, a client or a lost dog, I have this ever urgent pull to be there for others. I am pretty confident that will not stop in my retirement, I will just have a better understanding of how to continue to help others. 


I’ve known some fascinating people in my life and they all have a different vision for what their retirement would look like. Whatever your situation or your journey, you are here today, and what you do with that wisdom is up to you. Perhaps you volunteer at a youth center and bestow the boons on those just starting their own journey. Perhaps you start writing a book. It doesn’t matter how you do it, just share your wisdom!