If you have been my client for at least a year, you know by now how diligent I am in setting S.M.A.R.T. yearly goals to set my gyroscope in the right direction both professionally and personally. I believe deeply in continuous growth and through my mentor, I met a fabulous group of like-minded achievers and joined a mastermind group. The caliber of the individuals in this mastermind is just outstanding! We support each other, help keep each other accountable for the goals we set every year, and most importantly we share the appetite for growing better every day. This year we started our goal-setting through a rather interesting exercise. 

We were to write a letter to ourselves that we would read a year from now (January 2024) in which we summarized our year. 

When I first started writing it, I thought it would be a simple exercise but then quickly realized that every statement needed to be specific to all areas of my life. My business, my finances, my family, my health – physical and mental, my spirituality, my relationships, and my lifestyle. 

We would then read it out loud to our group during the next session. 

I was intimidated at first, given that the individuals in my mastermind group are all much more successful than me (many times over) and far ahead on their entrepreneurial journey. 


What I found out is that the exercise allowed me a deeper and more thoughtful planning on what I want life to be like this year. I have honestly never planned with such specific detail. I would highly encourage you to try it. It is such a meaningful exercise and helps you identify the actions you need to proactively take to ensure success. If you are inclined to do so, there is even a website where you write your letter and it emails it back to you on January 1 of the following year.


I hope you take me up on this challenge. Do you have any new year routines? If so, share them with us by emailing us at or simply responding to this newsletter.