by Cindy Santos-Mendoza | Letters
¡West Compass Insurance esta celebrando 5 años de servicio a la comunidad! El mes pasado, celebramos nuestro quinto aniversario, y no podríamos haberlo logrado sin cada uno de ustedes. ¡GRACIAS! Cuando comenzamos West Compass hace cinco años, fue en gran parte por la...
by Cindy Santos-Mendoza | Insights & Articles
For the first time in history, Medicare has successfully negotiated drug prices with pharmaceutical companies, resulting in significant savings for seniors. The initiative, driven by the Inflation Reduction Act, has led to lower prices for 10 high-cost...
by Cindy Santos-Mendoza | Letters
Celebrating 5 Years in Business! Last month, we marked our 5th anniversary, and we couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you! THANK YOU!. When we started West Compass five years ago, it was largely at the suggestion of my husband, who had already been in...
by Cindy Santos-Mendoza | Insights & Articles
Monitoring your cholesterol levels is crucial for maintaining heart health. Your cholesterol numbers include LDL (“bad” cholesterol), HDL (“good” cholesterol), and triglycerides. Here are some common mistakes that can negatively impact your...
by Cindy Santos-Mendoza | Insights & Articles
Claiming Social Security benefits early can significantly reduce the monthly amount you receive. While starting your benefits at age 62 might seem appealing, it can cut your monthly check by up to 30% compared to waiting until full retirement age (FRA). If...