by Cindy Santos-Mendoza | Artículos en español
A medida que envejecemos, es natural que notemos cambios en nuestras capacidades cognitivas. Estos cambios pueden variar desde un olvido leve hasta un deterioro cognitivo más grave. Según WebMD, en el artículo “What to Know About Cognitive Decline in Older...
by Cindy Santos-Mendoza | Artículos en español
A medida que terminamos lo que ha parecido una temporada de locos, mis pensamientos se vuelven naturalmente hacia la reflexión. ¿Qué funcionó bien, en qué áreas podemos mejorar y cómo podemos perfeccionar aún más nuestra experiencia de servicio al cliente para...
by Cindy Santos-Mendoza | Letters
As we gently ease out of what has felt like a whirlwind of a season, my thoughts naturally turn to reflection. What worked well, what areas can we enhance, and how can we further refine our customer service experience for you, our valued clients? It’s a time of...
by Cindy Santos-Mendoza | Insights & Articles
As we age, it’s natural for us to notice changes in our cognitive abilities. These changes can range from mild forgetfulness to more serious cognitive impairment. According to WebMd, “What to Know About Cognitive Decline in Older Adults” Cognitive decline is not a...
by Cindy Santos-Mendoza | Insights & Articles
As winter approaches, it’s essential for our community, especially those aged 65 and over, to understand the protective measures against influenza. According to Lisa O’Mary in her article This Season’s Flu Shot Is Shaping Up to Be Very Effective...