Cindy’s Reflections October 2023

As your ally on your health insurance journey, it is our fiduciary duty to keep you informed of changes in the industry that may affect you. This year we have seen  stricter rules around Medicare, which we hope will only protect our clients instead of making it harder...

Reflexiones de Cindy Septiembre 2023

Septiembre nos indica el final del verano y con ello recordamos que llega la temporada de elección anual y se acerca rápidamente, comenzando el 15 de octubre y finalizando el 7 de diciembre. Si estás considerando hacer ajustes en tu plan actual, este es el momento ...

Cindy’s Reflections September 2023

As September unfolds before us, the gentle ending of summer reminds us at West Compass Insurance to gear up for our busiest season, always keeping you at the forefront. The annual election period is fast approaching, starting October 15th and wrapping up on December...